How Strength Training Improves Mental Health

Strength training has been shown to have a number of mental health benefits, including:

Reduced stress and anxiety: Exercise, including strength training, can help reduce stress and anxiety by releasing feel-good chemicals called endorphins.

Improved mood: Strength training has been shown to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression in older adults.

Increased self-esteem: Engaging in regular strength training can help improve body image and self-esteem.

Improved sleep: Exercise, including strength training, has been shown to improve sleep quality and help with insomnia.

Enhanced cognitive function: Some research has suggested that exercise, including strength training, may help improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Overall, strength training can be an effective way to improve mental health and well-being in older adults. It is generally recommended that older adults engage in strength training at least twice a week, using moderate to high intensities. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting a strength training program, as some medical conditions or medications may affect an individual's ability to engage in strength training. Schedule a complimentary personal training consultation with us today to see what strength training can do for you.